Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Must

I have been trying to "find me".

Who am I?  What happened?  Why did it happen?  Can I be happy again?  When will I get it all together again?

Those are a lot of questions and there are many more.  I am trying to pull it all together and move forward - it is not easy.  Every time I think I may be making a breakthrough something happens that has me losing the few steps I had gained.

I have to keep forging ahead - I need to not keep some communications so that I can focus on me.

The person I was and the person I will be are not the same.  I have lost a lot of my trustworthiness and I am not sure what will replace it.

I am hoping that I can still be a person who gives their all and who can find joy in the simplest of things.

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