Monday, November 19, 2012

Life has begun to get busy – and Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet. How many of you are beginning to feel the crunch? In November we have two birthdays in the family, my nephew and his father, my cousin. Gerard’s birthday was this past Saturday and I asked him when he wanted to celebrate – he said, Saturday. Friday I went food shopping and then that evening I found out that he had to take a class on Saturday so could we celebrate on Sunday. No problem. Saturday I took my two workout classes and bought gift cards that I needed for his birthday. That evening I set up the table and wrapped his gift. Sunday I went to Zumba, then to the bakery to pick up Gerard’s birthday cake. At home, cake in the refrigerator and all the pots, pans were out for when I needed them. Now some “me” time, I watched CBS Sunday Morning News with Charles Osgood – it was their “Eat, Drink and Be Merry” episode and one that I enjoy. I tape this show every Sunday morning since it comes on at 9AM and my Zumba class begins at 9:15 – it is a wonderful show and gives you vignettes of different things happening in the world, the nation both with a look to culture and just expanding a little bit of our mind. I wholeheartedly urge you to try it.
Now, it is time to get everything prepped. I made the salad and placed it in the refrigerator – the only thing I needed to do was to slice the avocado before putting it on the table. I peeled and sliced the onions for the mushrooms and onions I would serve to place on the steaks and I peeled and cut the potatoes and placed them in water to make mashed potatoes. Now I was getting one of the appetizers ready – I wrapped cantaloupe in prosciutto and scored with a toothpick, placed saran wrap on it and placed it in the refrigerator. I soon hear Ryan at the front door so out come the crackers, cheese and pepperoni on to the cocktail and the melon with prosciutto. I had bought Gerard the Sam Adams Winter Lager and Callum has decided he would like some chocolate milk and we are watching the Jets on the television. A wonderful afternoon with family.
Siobhan and Matt arrive not too much later and everyone has something to drink while we just sit and talk about the new house, Thanksgiving dinner – what are we having, who is making what (she is making turnips for her brother as part of his birthday gift); and, besides having purchased the pies I agree to make cornbread and pumpkin bread. We also discussed celebrating their father’s birthday – it is not until November 29th but he will not be in New York for it – so on Wednesday evening we will take him to Banzai Hibachi in their town. Today I ordered a birthday cake for him and I will pick it up on Wednesday on my way home from an appointment in the city. The remainder of dinner went fine with steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes and steak. Callum who loves cake and addresses all cake as “birthday cake” could not wait for us to bring it to the table. He was also the last one to leave the table as he ate his entire piece. Since we all enjoyed the cake – I ordered the same one for Gerry for Wednesday which we will have after our dinner at Banzai. I also picked up the gift cards for Gerry – I have some CDs for him; but, he has gotten a little difficult to buy for.
Is it terrible to say that I am looking forward to Friday? I will sleep a little later than normal since my High Performance 30 class isn’t being held and the balance class is not until 10:15. Since Thanksgiving is so early I will not be putting up my Christmas decorations – I will wait until the end of the next week and do it then. Instead I will watch some of the Christmas shows I have DVR’d since Lifetime and the Hallmark Channel decided to air them right after Halloween. Then because we are now in full holiday season I will look to take three (3) workout classes on Saturday – my only problem is that since two of them are Zumba classes I will have to wear a knee brace on each knee – they are beginning to hurt in some classes and I need to start protecting them. Surprisingly on yesterday’s CBS Sunday Morning News they announced that the average weight gain in the 6 to 7 weeks of the holiday season is only 0.8 pounds not 5 to 7 like most of us have thought. Doesn’t mean we can indulge – but, does state everything in moderation.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families.

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