Sunday, February 19, 2012

What a Week - Thank Goodness for the Weekend

WHAT A WEEK – by Thursday I wanted it to be over and for this long weekend to hurry up and get here. Don’t get me wrong at my age I don’t look for time to go any faster than it already does; but, for much of this week my time was not my own.

I know that this has happened to each of you – you have your week planned out and then circumstances beyond your control take over. That happened to me this week – I was focused on Thursday when I had to deliver my first web cast of our Executive Monthly meetings to over 120 Executives at their desk. But, what threw a curve ball into my focus was that my boss needed to deliver a presentation on that same Thursday to the Executive Directors on our organization’s Unified Communications strategy. UGH!!!

One of the great traits of my boss is that he is extremely collaborative and he likes to share his ideas with each of us and he is very open to taking our ideas and incorporating them into the departmental strategy. As a result of his collaborative work style many of us in our department worked for over 11 hours over two days with him to refine the presentation into a 20 minute time frame in lay man’s terms and not technical.

At the same time I needed to send out instructions to the Executives to ensure that their laptops/desktops were working properly and they would be able to see and hear the web cast. On the Tuesday (yes, Valentine’s day) I would send them a calendar invite for the web cast on Thursday morning. In order to do this and to continue to collaborate on the presentation I ended up cancelling two meetings.

Finally, Wednesday was here and I was going into Manhattan to attend a VCI-Group Board meeting with a fellow Board Member and to conduct a site survey -at the new OCI O offices on Lexington Avenue. Board Meeting went well and the site survey was uneventful - it was the phone calls I received on the train that made the day just a bit more stressful. The first call was from my Boss advising me that his presentation to the Executives had been postponed until next month which would enable us to then put a small video into it; the second was from our COO’s Administrator advising me that more people needed to be invited to the web cast and that she had forgotten them – could I add them. No problem as soon as I got home I would do it. And I did.

That evening I continued to respond to emails that I was receiving from individuals asking if they could take the web cast on their iPads and other such questions.

I finally head up to bed at 9PM and turn on the TV, and turn on the TV, and turn on the TV to finally realize it is no longer working. Many of you probably don’t know this; but, if I am alone (which is 99% of the time) I cannot sleep without the TV being on. It is my “white noise” – I have been known to wake up in the middle of the night when the cable company is doing maintenance upgrades and they are not transmitting a show. Luckily I had a small TV in the office and I swapped them out – but, my comment to myself was “Really you had to break down NOW”!!???

Needless to say I did not sleep well – I am always scared that I will oversleep, not hear the alarm – any number of problems. But, I woke up and I had no problem waking up, out the door and off to our event site. I am happy to report that all went well and everyone was thrilled with the web cast delivery. I was now able to breathe easier. YEAH!!!

This weekend I then focused on things that I needed to do – get my taxes done (Friday afternoon), buy a new TV for the bedroom (right after I found out that I was getting a tax refund). Saturday it was off to Aqua Aerobics where Abby gave us a grueling workout, then on to get my haircut. Sunday it was Zumba and Pam made every song just 3 minutes long and extremely upbeat – by the time the hour was over my head looked as if I had just come out of the shower. Then I did my errands: Good Will, grocery store, bank and cleaners – now I can go home and relax.

And tomorrow – long weekend; I will do my personal training with Jennifer and will get a manicure and pedicure.

So although it has been an incredibly busy week – I was able to focus on myself and getting things done this past weekend.

To a Day Off tomorrow and a better next week!!

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