Saturday, June 30, 2012

Proud To Work for My Employer

This past Wednesday I celebrated my first anniversary at North Shore LIJ Health System. I am very proud to be working for this organization – how many of you can say that you are proud of the company you work for??

I am always amazed at what this company does for its employees – so here is a synopsis of this past week. Monday we in the OCIO (Office of the Chief Information Officer) had an “All Hands” meeting – 600 of us went to the Uniondale Marriott where our Senior Vice President acknowledged the work we do. Even more amazing was the fact that our CEO and President Michael Dowling joined us and proceeded to tell us what he is doing, how we are expanding and that today we are rated 7th in the US and can expect that in two years we will be rated 2nd.

He is a charismatic individual who understands that no matter what level we are in the Health System we each affect our clients, the patient; and, our job is to make their time with us as pleasant as possible. He also felt that it was necessary to understand how important Information Technology (IT) is in the Health System and humorously mentioned how we needed to grow as the Health System grew and as we needed to provide more information to the government so that we could be reimbursed.

To acknowledge that we had just finished our “Walk to Paris” challenge and the 11 teams from the OCIO who participated there was a raffle drawing – each member of the team drawn received an iPad. This was in addition to being part of the larger drawing for the trip to Paris. As I said there were 600 of us at this event where they served a refreshing watermelon salad, fruit, nuts with raisins and granola bars – quite different than the usual cookies, brownies and sodas – a big effort is being made on wellness within our organization.

On Thursday was the day 15,000 North Shore employees had been waiting for – the drawing for the trip to Paris. This day had come after 90 days of walking, wearing a pedometer and connecting it to our PCs to upload our steps. The drawing was held at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, Long Island and more than 1,000 employees attended. There was a buffet breakfast held by the poolside and the weather was gorgeous, from the pool people were ushered to the Grand Ballroom where chairs were cordoned off for the various hospitals.

The ceremonies began with acknowledging that the Health System only thought 1000 people would register for the challenge; but, were mind blowingly surprised when 15,000 employees signed up for the walk challenge. They mentioned every hospital and organization that participated giving each of the groups an opportunity to “scream” that they were represented. Next were stories of individuals who had lost 3 dress sizes, another individual who had been a diabetic for a long time and now might no longer need their medication – and many more. But, the crux of the program was that North Shore was looking to promote “Wellness” throughout the community we serviced; and, we really could not do that if we did not promote it and do it ourselves. This year our focus would be on “Wellness” and starting on July 9th there would be two more programs introduced; a Know Your Numbers 2 and Five to Thrive – I know what Know Your Numbers 2 is about; but, I am intrigued with the Five to Thrive.

Now the drawing – there was a barrel that needed to be turned as 900 teams (9000 people) had managed to walk the 7.2 million steps. The first team selected turned out to be Corporate – so they were put aside and in again for another team. Well, they drew THREE more times – not just one team would go to Paris; but, FOUR teams are going to Paris. That first team which was Corporate won – our CEO just wanted to make sure that it was not a team that had Executives on it – it was not.

Okay 40 people off to Paris for 4 nights, with airfare, hotel and voucher for meals – also, a discounted ticket could be purchased for them to take a guest. Well, hold on – it wasn’t over – there was a second prize. Ten teams won the second prize. The second prize was a $1000 Wellness gift card for each team member – the prize could be used as a: spa weekend, a year’s gym membership with 5 personal training sessions, 10 massages at the spa of your choice or a Personal Chef who would cook 7 dinners for 4 people. As everyone walked out they were then given a large bag with all kind of Wellness goodies to keep up the good work.

It takes little to motivate individuals, to let them know that they matter within the organization and that they are respected and appreciated. I work for a company that does that – I am proud to be one of over 45,000 individuals who can say they are my employer.

Life is short, we are all great individuals – let’s work for great companies.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hail to Routine & Discipline

I am a creature of habit and I enjoy a routine. I have now been home for an entire week and I am EXTREMELY happy that this past week I was able to get back to my usual routines.

First and foremost I have been missing my workouts - I am so proud of myself because this past week I have been able to work out five days. I started a new program this past week that they are offering in the Parisi School of my gym – it is called “High Intensity Performance” and it is challenging as the school is dedicated to working with high school and college athletes.

It is only a 30 minute program; but, I can tell you that on Friday my heart rate got up to 196 during the program. I also enjoy it because it is pushing me out of my comfort zone and it makes me aware of what I do well, where I need to improve and that I have gotten fairly athletic in these past three years that I have been religiously going to the gym.

So, what is a “High Intensity Performance” workout? In 30 minutes it consisted of the following
1. Ten prisoner squats, Ten jumping jacks, Ten penguin jumping jacks and Ten
cross jumping jacks – repeated three times
2. Push the sled 50 yards, run 100 yards, do 10 upper rows on the TRX and then work
the ropes for 1 minute – repeated twice
3. On an 18 inch box step up 10 times on my right leg, then step up 10 times on my
left leg – repeated twice
4. Do 20 drop downs on the box – repeated twice
5. Bang down the medicine ball twenty times – repeated twice
6. Twenty tricep curls, twenty bicep curls and twenty overhead press with the
elastic band – repeated twice
7. Ten in/outs, ten outs with a squat and walking lunges for 20 yards – repeated
three times
8. And, finally the cool down consisted of two planks held for 30 seconds each

I am soaking wet and dripping when I finish – but, I have such a sense of accomplishment. The nice thing is that it is only 30 minutes and I take the class at 7AM so I am out of the gym and home by 8:15. I also took my aqua aerobic class and Zumba this morning.

What I am always most surprised at is that my muscles quickly remember how to work out and although they protest a little I know I can do it; and, like I said I enjoy the challenge. Also, I hate to admit that I gained 4 ½ pounds in the last three weeks from not exercising and/or watching what I ate; but, I have managed to already lose 2 ½ pounds this week and I know the rest will come off quickly.

Now that my exercise routine is back in place – and since it has been very hot I am back to my normal eating habits and not craving chocolate to help me with the stress. I have been able to come home and go through my mail each day; and, not have a week's pile of bills, catalogs, etc. – I have culled all the catalogs and read all the magazines and am ready to pass them on to my niece.

This past week saw me washing two loads of laundry, off to Hallmark’s to buy the July birthday cards and a wedding card for a wedding I will be attending next Sunday. I went to the cleaners to drop off items to be cleaned and picked up things that I had dropped off during my travels. While traveling I finished two books – and have selected the next one to read. Today’s local newspaper listed this year’s summer reads and there are a couple of books that I want to pick up and read in the next few months.

On Friday evening, it was a joy to pull out clothes for the next couple of weeks and press them and have them ready. I bought a new dress for the wedding I am attending and I pressed that and have it lying on the bed in the spare bedroom. Since the wedding is two hours from my home and it is at 11:30AM next Sunday I made arrangements to stay at a nearby hotel – it will give me a chance to have a nice dinner on Saturday, do a workout in the hotel on Sunday morning, enjoy a leisurely breakfast and then get ready for the wedding – the function is only 10 minutes away from the hotel.

And, what has been the best of all is reconnecting with the people I have missed these past couple of weeks. My aqua aerobics instructor Abby – who is having an “initials” party on Thursday evening – I am looking forward to that. Tonight my Club Fit pal, Linda who I managed to convince to come to the “High Intensity Performance” class with me on Friday we will be having a nice dinner together. But, most importantly my boyfriend who himself has been very busy this entire year – we made time in each of our lives to spend yesterday afternoon and evening together to talk, to cuddle and to have a great meal together.

Most of us are creatures of habit and routine – that is what makes us feel comfortable and safe. I live my life in a disciplined and routine manner – now, if my sleeping patterns could understand that we are home now and it would be nice to sleep through the night.

Routine and discipline, “that’s a very good thing”.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Final Journeys and Home

First, my apologies to each of you for not having sent out a blog last week. I appreciate that many of you reached out to see if you had missed it or if I was ill. It was none of the above – I simply was tired from having completed the second leg of my journeys and preparing for my third and final one.

On Thursday, June 7th after supporting the webcast of our Annual Board of Trustees and Awards meeting I drove for two hours to Newark, NJ so that I could spend the night at a park & stay hotel since I had a 5:30AM flight to San Jose, California. Okay, the hotel was a Howard Johnson’s – it had to be the worst hotel I have been in since the Red Roof Inn at Syracuse when we went up to visit Siobhan during a parent’s weekend.

The sheets smelled of oil – so needless to say I did not sleep well and I needed to get up at 2:30 to catch the 3:30 shuttle to the airport. Out the door on time and on the shuttle to find out that they do not take you to the terminal; but, to the tram that you must take to the terminal. On the tram to Terminal A per the attendant only to find out that I need to be at Terminal C – back on the tram again. I was finally at the right place and through security – couldn’t wait to get on the plane. There was no direct flight to San Jose, I had an hour and a half layover in Denver where I was able to get my Starbuck’s venti nonfat latte and read my book. Both flights were on time and uneventful – just the way we all like them. The drive (car service) from San Jose to Monterey was beautiful and the driver was giving me a blow by blow of what crops were growing and which festivals each town had.

Arrived at the Hyatt Regency Monterrey to find out that my room was not ready – I was not happy about that and I immediately had to leave for lunch. Lunch was quite pleasant and now it was off to the wine tour. We went to three wineries which got progressively better – by the end of the tour I could not believe how much wine I had tasted and drunk; I think more than I have had in the last 5 years. It was 6:15 by the time we got back to the hotel and dinner was at 7.

Time to unpack and get ready for dinner – what drama. The hotel had arranged for dinner in the ballroom where we will have our Exhibit Hall in October – one lone table was set with candles and there were two large screens playing the Tony Bennett “Duets” DVD. Each dinner course was introduced to us by the Chef and each of them was lovely. Dinner was finally over by 9PM and I had been up 22 hours straight. Off to bed.

Saturday began with breakfast at the gazebo, a tour of the hotel and facilities and off to my spa treatments. I had a wonderful massage and facial and then we headed off to downtown Monterey to see where our special event, the Beach Party would be. Lunch was at a nice local restaurant where I enjoyed a clam chowder and a shrimp and crab salad. Lastly a drive along the coast where I could see million dollar homes and the Pacific Ocean.

I was on the red eye Saturday evening on a direct flight to JFK; BUT, my car was in Newark – so a car service drove me to Newark and then I drove home from there – I got home on Sunday at 9:30AM. Now to unpack and re-pack to go to InfoComm in Las Vegas on Tuesday morning. My flight was scheduled for 7:25AM out of Newark and the car service was picking me up at 4:45AM – I know you are now saying to yourself that you NEVER want to travel with me given what I put myself through.

Although the flight left a little late – we arrived in Las Vegas at 11AM, collected our bags, headed to our hotel – grabbed a sandwich to take to our room and had lunch. While Catherine conducted a couple of conference calls I was able to unpack and re-iron my clothes – we set up our Exhibit booth in a couple of hours, dropped off our bags in our hotel room and then headed to the Zen bar for a glass of wine, a nice dinner at Benihana’s and I was in bed by 8PM on Tuesday.

The InfoComm show is enormous with 932 exhibitors and more than 32,000 attendees. You can really rack up some steps at this show. We had exhibit duty on Wednesday and Thursday from 9AM to 5PM and on Friday from 9AM to 4PM. We were able to make contact with some individuals interested in becoming Principal and Alliance Members; and, if they do we would have done our job.

The highlight of our trip was celebrating Catherine’s birthday on Thursday. We ordered room service and got ready as we were off to see Jersey boys at the Paris Hotel – my gift to my friend. It was wonderful and I was so pleased with the seats we had 7th row orchestra, smack in the middle. We both walked out singing the songs of our teen years as sung by the Four Seasons.

On Friday we were taking the red eye home; but, still had some time to kill – we changed into more comfortable clothes, checked out bags with the Bellboy and headed to Madame Tussaud’s museum at the Venetian Hotel, afterwards we had dinner at the Publick House and back to our hotel to gather our luggage and take a taxi to the airport.

Both of us were taking the red-eye home due to obligations; Catherine had friends spending the weekend at her house and I had my niece’s birthday party on Saturday evening. I got home went through my mail, slept for about 2 hours, unpacked and got ready for the party. I was home by 10:30 and went straight to bed.

Today, Sunday I have taken it easy – it is time for my body to slow down, for my ankles to stop swelling (all those flights) and for me to get back into a routine.

The trips have all been wonderful and successful; but, as Dorothy said, “there’s no place like home”.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

And the Journey Begins

Well I have begun my three week journey on behalf of the Visual Communications Industry Group and I am hoping that this trip is not a prelude for the next two.

On Thursday I was off to Minneapolis – it was a gorgeous day in New York, the sun was shining the sky was a clear blue, the temperature was in the high 70’s and we had low humidity. I was looking forward to the flight and spending the next few days with my VCI-Group friends, peers and family.

Since the trip was only through Sunday morning I had carry-on luggage, I stopped at the airport store and picked up a couple skim mozzarella sticks and some trail mix. I untied my shoes and since I had printed out my boarding passes I went directly to security – don’t ask me why; but, at that point I decide to check the departure board and what do I notice – my flight has been CANCELLED. I am in shock; but, I decide to go to the counter to find out what has happened.

The airline clerk proceeds to let me know that the flight has been cancelled due to weather; but, that I should not worry because they have booked me on a flight – okay – BUT, it is for tomorrow, Friday at 7:30AM. I proceed to let the clerk know that will not work as I have meetings starting at 9AM. I ask if there are other flights – No, Ma’am, Weather. Okay, is there another airline I can be booked on, No, Ma’am because it is ONLY Weather. He proceeds to ask me if I can get to another airport then he can give me a direct flight to Minneapolis; okay, what airport: Newark. What time is the flight; 8:42. Oh that is fine – will you provide me a car service to Newark since I am at Westchester County airport in White Plains. No, Ma’am because it is WEATHER.

At this point the vein in the middle of my forehead is doing a “paso doble” and I am the matador about to strike the bull with my sword; who unfortunately is the clerk. I proceed to call my niece who drove me to the airport to see if she could come back and pick me up and drive me to Newark – sweetheart that she is said “yes”. Knowing that it is 4:30 and we will be in rush hour traffic from White Plains to Newark and that she will be hitting the same traffic going home. We make it to Newark by 6:00PM and Siobhan doesn’t want to leave me until I check on my flight – I told her that I was advised in White Plains that all was fine and I even had a boarding pass. What you don't realize is that we are both trying to download a navigation app onto our iphones - which is taking forever and is not automatically detecting where we are. So now I pull out my laptop to go onto mapquest so I can enter where I am; but, I cannot get a wireless signal. We are driving down to Newark and I am cursing because everyone has their network secured. My niece and I are both laughing hysterically because we also realize that we are unjustly upset. Oh and what you should know is that that WEATHER which cancelled my flight into Chicago was rain. One of my VCI-G Board members lives in Chicago and had no problem with his flight leaving the city.

I finally arrive at the hotel by 11:15PM (Central Time), unpack, and get ready for bed as it is now midnight. I am meeting my friend, Catherine at 6AM at the gym to walk on the treadmill, grab breakfast and then get ready for our meetings which will begin at 9AM. That is all fine except I cannot sleep. Our meeting on Friday was intense but a lot of good work was done. Our Friday evening ended with dinner and a walk around the Mall of America. If I thought I didn’t sleep well on Thursday night, Friday was even worse with my waking up every hour and then staying awake between 15 to 30 minutes.

Up again to workout with Catherine, have breakfast and then get ready for another full day of meetings. We were 14 people in total and much got done in the two days that we were together – that evening we had a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant and did not get back to the hotel until 10:30 – not in bed for another hour as I get my suitcase packed and up at 3AM so that The shuttle could pick me up at 4AM and I could make my 5:30 flight out of Minneapolis to Chicago.

First leg of the flight went well, now I am in Chicago and will be taking the 8:25 to White Plains – on the plane everything is good; but, we aren’t taking off. There is a problem with one of the radios and they are hoping that maintenance can fix it – they do and we take off. My niece picks me up – I spend a few minutes visiting with my family and I am finally in my home by 2PM.

Once more surrounded by my home I am able to take a nap for a couple of hours (I really cannot keep my eyes open) and I am considering what I need to get done for work, for VCI-Group and what to lay out to pack for the next two trips.

As they say, “One Down, Two More to Go”.