Friday, December 31, 2010


This is for all the heterosexual women who are in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s who have never married or had children.  We may think we are a minority; but, there are really more of us than you can imagine – off the top of my head I have five friends who meet the criteria.
This is probably one of the difficult times of the year for us – we don’t have a significant other or children; we go to our family homes and are the aunt, sister, etc. celebrating the traditions of others and not making our own.  Here it is another New Year’s Eve and what will we be doing?
STOP.  This is not that kind of blog.
We are women who are accomplished, lead full lives and do not need a man or children to define us.   We create our own traditions. 
During this time of year – what are your traditions?  I decorated every room in my home to celebrate the season, Christmas and winter – the place smells like a balsam tree although I do not put up a Christmas tree.
It will be New Year’s in a couple of days.  For many New Year’s Eve is a special night with that significant other perhaps dancing, drinking and watching the ball come down to ring in the New Year. 
To me New Year’s Eve is the day to ensure that everything is clean and in order – I do laundry, make sure all is orderly in each of my drawers, wash the makeup brushes, etc.   My mother had two sayings for the New Year – “never let it catch you dirty”; hence why I do laundry, straighten things out and prepare to meet the New Year with a semblance of neatness.
New Year’s Eve I will soak in my Jacuzzi tub with one of my Lush ballistics – I enjoy the oil soaking into my skin, moisturize; and, then I put on my new nightgown.  That is my Mother’s second phrase for the New Year “don’t let the New Year catch you in something old” – every year I have a new nightgown for New Year’s Eve.  I have given my niece a new pajama every Christmas for her to wear on New Year’s Eve; and, now with two great nephews they receive the same at Christmas.  I will clean the tub – again, it can’t be dirty.  And I will lie in my Queen size bed and see how long I can stay awake to enter the new year.  I generally don’t make it.
To some of you this may seem very lonely – it isn’t.  Being our ages and being single is being comfortable with who we are, who we have become and what we do.  It is not living to the expectations of others; but, to our expectations.  To quote Shakespeare, “To thine own self be true”.
Let 2011 be the year that we continue to be the strong, interesting and fulfilled women that we are.
I hope that you will continue to enjoy this celebration with me throughout the year.